Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We're BACK!!!

I know. I know. It's "AUGUST"!!! I can hear you all yelling at me already! Point is - I am BACK!

Luckily I was surfing around and met this chic from Vancouver (same as me!), and she sent me the link to her blog, and then I got to thinkin: "Oh YAH!! I used to have one of those!!" So here I am! All thanks to my gal-pal Tracey.

Anyway - a BIG shout out to everyone! Gretchen - How the heck are ya?? How is XS?? I am thinking of hooking up Tracey at Bid Apartments - how cool is that?? (Gretchen stayed there when she was here for the summer doing a law class thingy a few years back)

So - the BIG news is that Kush and I are in the process of adopting a daughter! We haven't met her yet, though. Just in the planning stages. We have a counselling appointment this afternoon, and then our case goes to the board for approval. Kush has some business to do out of the country,so as soon as we get back (Christmas time?), we will be in a position to select a child (or be selected by the child!!), and will have her living with us within the first week! COOL, huh?? We are super excited.

Anyway - that's the news!!

Also have internet back at the house now, so will do my BEST to post a few times a week - while our super-great son is napping!

MUCH love to all of you... xoxoxoxoxox!!!

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