Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunny Sunday

So we made it to church – for a new record of FOUR Sundays in a ROW!!! Not joking. Meer really likes seeing the other kids in the nursery, and apparently Kush enjoys listening to the sermon! How handy is that?? Shocking, I know.

We go to a church called, “International Christian Fellowship”, which is non-denominational and meets in the theatre of a local private school near the UN. It’s a small gathering – about 100 people, or so. It is a good mix of people – and even about 5 or 6 families that have gone through, or are going through, the adoption process here in Kenya.

Anyway – it is a great way to start the week. Good people. Good feelings. Good times!

I am trying to find a link to the church, but have come up blank! Anyway – if you clic on the title of this post, you will go to the website for Rosslyn Academy...

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