Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lifebooks - Martha's Tips

YES - click on the title of this post to view the original page - and a video of Martha doing these tips herself! (I think... my connection is WAY to sloe for that!!)

Take photos, color-copy them, cut them up, and glue them onto the pages of your scrapbook. You can also glue in all your letters, cards, and even emails from well-wishers.

Another great idea is to take a color photocopy of the front page of the newspaper for the day you're scrapbooking and then shrink it down. On the opposite page, you can write things that were relevant on that day, such as popular songs, world events, popular movies, and trends.

Take your favorite photo, upload it to your computer, and print it out nice and large. Then, paste it into the book. You can paint on one page with a travel watercolor kit, and then paste a picture onthe other page. If you're not an artist, you could just as easily journal on the page. Take pictures horizontal and vertically so you have the option of having it be a single page or a double-page spread.

Glue a Mylar envelope onto a page and tuck in the boarding passes, tickets or other memorabilia.

Included a sleeve with a DVD of the segment.

Another Tip: Take one big picture and embellish it. You can also write your child a postcard and mail it home, and then tuck that into a glassine sleeve.

You can also keep sand and small shells in a smaller envelope (don't forget to close it!) that you tuck inside.

Another trick is, instead of writing on the page of your actual scrapbook, write on a card and paste a picture in the middle, and slip that into an archival sleeve.

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