Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lifebooks - Activites for Waiting Parents

* Prior to your trip, compose a list of questions about your child’s early life.

* Emphasize questions relating to her background, such as when she came to the orphanage or foster home and who took care of her there, rather than her routine (such as her sleep schedule, which will be disrupted anyway).

* Try to anticipate the questions your child may have in the future.

* Talk with other adoptive parents about information they or their children wish they had.

* Exercising cultural sensitivity, gather as much relevant information for your child during your trip as you are able. Is it possible for you to visit your child’s birthfamily, foster parents, people who cared for your child—or your child’s birthplace?

* While traveling, when you’re in between trips to court or to the consulate, awake at night, or waiting for a plane, write it all down!

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