Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lifebooks - What to Include

What do you imagine your child will wish to know about her earliest days, months, or years? Even though you probably don’t have the answers to all—or even some—of these questions, it’s helpful to keep them in mind.

1. Who gave birth to me?

2. Why couldn’t my birthparents raise me?

3. How and when did I get from my birthparents to the orphanage, foster parents, or other caretakers?

4. Who gave me my name?

5. What type of area or community did I live in?

6. What did my home look like? Did I share a room, crib, or bed?

7. With whom did I live? Who took care of me? What were their names?

8. What was my life like? What was my daily routine? What was my general health? What skills had I developed? Did I have any special friends? What were my favorite toys or foods? Do you know someone who may have photos or additional information about my early life?

9. Why was I not adopted sooner? (Your child was older.)

10. Where and how was my special need diagnosed? What special services or help, if any, did I receive?

11. Is my medical condition common in my country of origin?

12. Do I have biologically related siblings?

13. Did my birthparents die?

For more information, clic on the title of this post, or the following link (it's the same):

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