Saturday, August 18, 2007

This is for the Birds

Ah – it’s nap time around here again! Phew. Today our project is making Suet and Peanut Butter Bird Food Feeders! Seems birds are Meer’s favorite thing to go and look for around the house (yes – on his circuit!), so we are trying to increase the population. The handy thing is that there are SO MANY birds around, that we can almost ALWAYS see a bird sitting on a power line, or fence post.

Anyway – we went to the butcher this morning and got half kilo of beef suet, and then bird seed from the pet store… The jist of the recipe is to melt the suet, stir in a small jar of crunchy peanut butter, and then add a cup of bird seed, whole wheat flour, cornmeal, sunflower seeds, and oatmeal. It turns into a kinda gloopy mess, but doesn’t smell as bad as it sounds!

So you fill molds – we used a paper milk carton with a stick poking through both sides for a perch - and chill them until they are set. And then cut out little windows on both sides above the stick for the birds to access the suet inside. The leftovers I heaped onto a pie plate, and suspended on the hedge close to where the birds already hang out in the mornings. So far no takers, though… OH! Have two little chirpers sitting on the power lines above the pie plate… should be soon…


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