Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dawn of the Triple C Circuit...

Wow. So Meer’s new thing is driving in his Cozy Coupe Convertible – up the driveway – down the driveway-over the ramp - onto the lawn-over to the dogs - back to the staff quarters - around the laundry lines – back around to the swing- over the curb-past the cars – back up the driveway – over the ramp… onto the lawn…. Over to the dogs… and I am talking ALL DAY LONG! Luckily the car had a metal handle, so Meer just sits inside and gets pushed the whole way – he LOVES it!! Terribly serious. Anyway… it’s EXHAUSTING!

He’s sleeping now. No big plans for the afternoon… Bela is bringing dinner over, so I don’t have to cook! How lucky is that??? I know. I know.

So I called Little Angel’s Network this morning to find out when the LANS Committee is meeting – not before next Wednesday, basically. Possibly the Wednesday after that. So it will still be awhile before we get word. No biggie – since we have 4 months from the date of the letter to select our daughter, and we want to do that IDEALLY in January.

Apparently the elections have been moved to December 28th, so people can vote when they are back at their villages. I dunno! That is the logic, though. So if we aren’t here for the elections, we aren’t here for Christmas either… and that sucks! Christmas is such a fun time for children… oh well – time will tell! No point worrying about it yet.

Well – that is all that is new… not much of anything other than a firm counter-clockwise circuit around the house!! Ha ha ha!!

Hope all of you are well…

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