Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Snap Crackle and POP!

Our landlord is just a dick-face. Basically. And I am pretty sure that isn’t a swear!! Ha ha ha! Anyway – Kush had another rowe with him last night, and came back in the house insisting we move – ASAP. SO – this is the house we are going to look at this afternoon… it’s new, and on half an acre. Not too crazy about the location – it might be on a busier road than I would prefer… just have to wait and see! Anyway – we have paid rent here for the next 3 months, so it’s not THAT urgent… but better to see what is available, than to be “forced” to move when there is nothing on the market! Ugh… BUT – I am actually looking forward to it – especially since it is a bit bigger than this house – so I might get my craft room back, and more than one bath tub in the house is also a big fat bonus! I’ll keep you posted…
Nope. That just SUCKED! How depressing. Built just horribly, and full of quirky arcitecture and MDF. Gasp. And then the view from teh second floor, is of all the tin roofs of a SLUM! Yup. Back to the drawing board...

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