Sunday, September 16, 2007

Flash Card Mania - Pretty Ones

These are from an absolutely FABULOUS site I found – AMAZING artwork, and super pretty, etc. There is a TONNE of stuff to choose from – everything from gift cards, to flash cards, to preschool lessons, to classroom supplies, etc. Just amazing! If you clic on the title of this post, it will take you to her index page. Scroll down, and do a search for what you are looking for – you will be SHOCKED to see how much is available – and YES – all for free! I printed out 2 sets of alphabet flashcards – one in hand writing, and one in printing – so Meer can (one day) match up the written letters with the printed letters, etc. And the artwork is SO pretty…

This is the main page where you can search for what you are looking for:

This is the link to the Traditional Alphabet Flash Cards:

This is the link to the Modern Alphabet Flash Cards:

This is the link to the Cursive (handwritting) Alphabet Flash Cards:

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