PHEW! I have found a way of uploading pictures - even at my super-slow connection speed! I re-sized them - some small, some medium, and today I am REALLY going out on a limb and uploading in size LARGE!! Imagine the courage!~ha ha ha! Anyway - there is a heap of them. Now that uploading is do-able within a reasonable time frame (aka: same day!) I didn't edit them- it's the full range! If I haven't sent you a link, please email me, and I will add you to the invitation list - the pictures aren't public, so you will have to be invited, and then sign in with your yahoo id. BUT - naturally it is all worth it!! ;-D
Sto sperimentando un nuovo metodo per aumentare le visite di un blog. Tra un paio di settimane vi farò sapere com'è andata.
So I used an online dictionary to translate this... I THINK it means: "This tests a new method of enhancing the visit of your blog. In a couple weeks you will be able to know how it is moving forward." Yes?? (No doubt I butchered it completely! - SORRY!) Anyway - THANK YOU LUCA for the kind comment! I do hope you are right. Thank you for visiting my blog, and for taking the time to leave a comment! ;-D
ps - the online translation dictionary I found is:
Hi Christa! I would love an invitation to your pics...
I'm so behind on my blog/e-mails..I've had company all week!
You've got my e-mail
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