Friday, April 25, 2008

Meer's Third Day of School

Meer woke up for his third day of school with BAGS under his eyes!  I asked him if wanted to go to school, and he said, "Home?"!!  We got ready for school anyway, but by the time we got to the car, it was apparent that his mood wasn't in the excellent category!  So we bailed and played hookie instead!  Poor guy was so excited by it all he hadn't been sleeping nicely in his naps OR during the night – tossing and turning violently with words like "FAST! Fast! Fast… fast… fa…" and "FLOWER!" (his word for drawing – drawing flowers).  He fell asleep by 10am that morning, too!

 So today was his third day – he went with Josaphine – and participated in all the lessons right up until STORY TIME – which he flatly said was "NOT NICE", and refused to stay in the room with the other kids!! Ha ha ha!  Josaphine called me, and I came to pick him up about 20 minutes early.  But he hung in there with the other kids for over three hours!

 He also came home with his FIRST ART PROJECT EVER – a necklace made of string, straws, and paper squares.  SO cute!  And… he refused to go to sleep when he came home!  Stayed awake the entire afternoon – playing – running around – like it what he did everyday!  Little booger.  Until of course 5:30 rolled around – he crashed hard and was sleeping by 5:35!  Woops.  Just hoping he sleeps straight through…

 ANYWAY – that is the big news.  Think we might try going to school Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday off, then back for Thursday and Friday.  I guess we will have to see how it goes!

 Well – off to rest while the resting is good!

Love and light…

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Meer's Second Day at School

... or shall I say, "The Longest Four Hours of my Life"!!! 
So it is safe to say that Meer likes school - he was happy to wave goodbye to Daddy and Kasimbi this morning - all pleased to get in his car seat, and sat like a perfectly quiet angel all the way to school.  We went in together (Josaphine was with us), and changed our shoes.  My New Best Friend - a 3 year old named Elizabeth - came running over - to tell me her Mommy wasn't there!  I told her it was because she was such a big girl, and we walked into the outdoor "practical area" where the children were sitting down at a table playing with a variety of balls, beads, bits, and bobs. 
Meer sat down at the table beside Elizabeth - who immediately confiscated Meer's beads!  Meer took it quite well, and happily accepted a replacement set of prickly colored balls.  A teacher came over and stood behind them - helping both of them with their hand-eye coordination, etc.  I took the opportunity to take Josaphine and tour her around the place.  She was impressed with all the different rooms, and variety of activities, etc.
ANYWAY - Josaphine waited in a nearby room in case Meer needed a translator, or help of any kind, and I... left!  It was even MORE weird than yesterday.  I did a quick shop at Nakumatt, and then went to Gigiri house to wait.  I timed it - and it was about a 60 second to drive back to the school in case Meer wanted me...  I waited.  Then I waited.  Time actually went backwards.  It was for EVER!  Josaphine called me at snack time to tell me that Meer was having a great time, and saying that he was "happy" when he was asked!  So that was great.  I waited for another phone call, but never got one.  IMAGINE - he didn't even want his mother.  Sigh.
I waited the full 4 hours, and went back at 12:30 to collect him.  Some of the other parents were there picking up their kids, and Meer was so sleepy he was almost falling over!!  NOT joking.  Apparently Elizabeth had been taking him by the hand, and running around with him outside - going down the slide, playing around - having a GREAT time!  So no wonder he didn't miss me!
AND - I even made a trip to the gym at Village to get a YOGA SCHEDULE!!!  NOT JOKING.  Basically they have 2 classes a week that fit in perfectly with Meer's new schedule - 9:00 - 10:30.  So that sure will be lovely!  It has been YEARS since I have exercised... I can "feel the burn" already!
Anyway - that is about all I can think of just now.
Love and light...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Meer's First Day of School

Well - HOW EXCITING! Meer has a fantastic first day at school! He was a bit shy - didn't want to play in the same room as the rest of the kids. But was totally happy hanging out without Kasimbi and I for about 2 hours straight! Then he wanted Kasimbi - I think mostly because he was hungry. After a snack, he was fine going around with the teachers.

Tomorrow they asked me to just drop him off - Kasimbi and I both not stay with him. I basically said NO, and suggested that Josaphine stay with him instead. I mean - my version of school for Meer at this stage in his life (he turns two at the end of June), is purely enjoyment. And any sort of seperation anxiety is absolutely unacceptable at this stage in his development!

The rest of the kids are super cute and great - only 11 students total, so it is a nice small group. There are a few charmers - sweet little talkative girls, and couple boys that don't want to really speak, but want to stand very close to me! Sweet little hunnies.

I scooted off for a bit this morning - sans Meer. It was SO freaky! I can't even say that I liked it. I felt all weird and guilty - like I was a bad mom, or something! Well - not really, but it was weird. I found myself speedwalking through Nakumatt so I could get back "just incase" he needed me... which he didn't!

The rest of the kids are between the ages of 3 and 6. So Meer is the definately the youngest. His attention span is short as well... about 5 minutes, and then he wants to see something new. Having about 10 different rooms with new stuff in them doesn't help! Apparently one of the other young girls did the same thing for the first month that she was there - just going around from room to room exploring. After the month, she began to follow the group and participate with the rest of the kids.

Meer is enrolled in the morning class - 8:30 - 12:30, Monday to Friday. We are going again tomorrow morning - with Josaphine in tow! Let's see if he keeps on enjoying it as much as he did today!

And WHAT am I going to do with my TIME?? I will have practically FIFTEEN HOURS A WEEK all by myself... IMAGINE! Weird...

Well - I am TRYING to upload a photo or two for you, but my connection is too slow... sigh... HEY! Maybe I will take my laptop and go and sit at Java House for a few hours tomorrow morning! They have free wireless internet - and it is faster, and really close to Meer's school! Yet another brain wave hits me!

Love and light...

Monday, April 21, 2008

... is it still 2008??

Yes - I KNOW - long time, and no update what-so-ever. Horrible of me. True. In any event - we are all alive and well - and happily back in Kenya!

Life in Kenya is wonderful. Absolutely great. Meer is LOVING it! Today we went to see a new Montessori preschool that is nearby... it was 4pm when we got there, so all the kids and teachers had left for the day, but there was an askari who let us in, and then an employee dude of some sort showed up to tour us around.... A good thing, considering Meer had already cased half the place!! ha ha ha! They have converted a house into a school, basically. Every room has a different theme: Nature, Human Body, Space, Numbers, etc. There are cubbie holes for the children's shoes - with their names and pictures on cute laminated cards on each cubbie. (and we all know how many points I assign for proper laminating! ha ha ha!)

So Meer walked around everywhere looking and saying the words excitedly for everything he saw. He found these marble type plastic beads that can be sorted out into a compartmentalized tray, and that was the end of it - we couldn't peel him away or get him back intothe car without a HUGE protest! I always imagined driving away from preschool to the sounds of a screaming child - but I always thought it would be because I was leaving them behind, not taking them with me! ha ha ha!!

I called the head of the school when we got home and asked it Meer could join them for the last month of the semester. The school is really for 3 - 6 year olds, but Meer has been welcomed to join them - starting tomorrow!!! NATURALLY Kasimbi (our houseman) and I will stay there with him. Half day runs from 8:30 until 12:30, so let's see how long Meer lasts! I have this fantasy of dropping Meer and Kasimbi off at school, and then going to the gym for a yoga class... IMAGINE!

The school is small - probably around 12 kids? One of the pictures on the cubbies was of our neighbour's daughter - Yein. (Korean) So this afternoon I saw her mom out in her yard, so we had a chat over the fence. I was all happy to tell her that Meer will be going to school with her daughter tomorrow, and she was like, "Oh REALLY? You no tell me! I get you discount!! The owner is Korean!!" HOW HANDY!

Anyway - that really IS the latest!

Thanks for kicking me in the butt and getting me to post again.
Love to all...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Blurb from the Kenya Buzz


"About three or four years ago, crime and car-jacking dominated discussions at cocktail parties across Nairobi. The past couple of years, gridlock traffic and the stock market/economy were more popular, a reflection of the thriving economy. Towards the end of 2007, there was a slight bias towards political discussion but it wasn't yet more popular than the traffic issue because everyone thought it would be business as usual no matter who won at the polls. If you have dared to leave the safety of your house at night and have started back on the cocktail circuit, you will have noticed that there is now no other discussion but politics. Everyone is reeling with disbelief over the current state of affairs. And yet in hindsight, not really surprised at all!

Every New Year is a time for optimism and fresh starts. We had our hopes, our plans and our dreams for great things in 2008. Now all hangs in the balance; the future so unpredictable and frustration is in the air. People want to be optimistic and it seems like it wouldn't be so hard just to "get back to normal" but at this point "normal" will be a facade when landlords are throwing out tenants of different tribes, companies are firing people of different ethnic backgrounds and killing and burning continues around the country.

There may be a fix to the political stalemate as Kofi Annan arrives to help our leaders negotiate a settlement. This may even lead to the economy bouncing back and people getting on their feet again financially. But a comfortable political settlement and a thriving economy won't put us back where we were at the end of last year. There is a tremendous amount of emotional healing that is needed in Kenya. And it would be a terrible mistake to overlook this and hide behind a peaceful facade. Tribal issues need to be addressed explicitly and openly, perhaps through a truth and reconciliation commission. If glossed over, tribalism in Kenya will only brew and simmer beneath the surface to rear its ugly head again at the next election or other trigger event.

Let's share the vision that by next election, everyone will again be safe and welcome anywhere in Kenya.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Dubai Update

Yes - we are still alive and breathing!  Seems a day or two after Meer's recoverty from the flu, I we both got a pretty rough cold!  Luckily Meer's only lasted a day or so, but as for me - I am still honking the snauze and fillling up tissues like a trucker!  Imagine.  A few days were pretty bad... aches and pains, but now we seem to be almost better!  And really - there are worse things than filling up tissues to the brim! ha ha ha!!
Anyway - Meer is being a real champion.  He is at a really sweet stage of almost being able to ask for what he wants - well - he CAN, but sometimes he needs to be reminded to use his words instead of "that"! 
He fell really badly a couple days ago - went to "climb up" a cheap metal stool, but obviously it came tumbling down ontop of him - fell back on the tile floor lke a plank, basically - with a stool chaser!  Got a big goose egg on the back of his head, and then a doozy on the front of his head!  YES - he continued to make the most of his hard skull for the rest of the day - bashed his temple ont he cupboard door, and then dinged himself again on soemthing else.  All in all - by the time the next day rolled around - he was headbutting shelves for FUN, basically! ha ha ha!  Poor little guy.  STILL has a big green and purple bruise cover about half of his forehead!
So ya.  Thomas is the new thing.  The satelite tv was out one day (during heavy rains - and yes - we are in the DESERT!!) we watched Thomas dvd's as a family... Kush was like, "It's like a SOAP OPERA!!!" Go figure.  And considering Meer has just about everything from his favorite toy store (great staff, and a demo of everything for the kids to play with in the store!!), we are now collecting him the Thomas train stuff!  And to be serious - it is quite pricey - it adds up in a hurry.  So instead of getting something he might get bored of, we get him a piece or two of Thomas the Train.
ANYWAY - it is late already, so I am going to be lame and hop into bed!
More as it happens... or shortly there after! ha ha ha!