Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Meer's Second Day at School

... or shall I say, "The Longest Four Hours of my Life"!!! 
So it is safe to say that Meer likes school - he was happy to wave goodbye to Daddy and Kasimbi this morning - all pleased to get in his car seat, and sat like a perfectly quiet angel all the way to school.  We went in together (Josaphine was with us), and changed our shoes.  My New Best Friend - a 3 year old named Elizabeth - came running over - to tell me her Mommy wasn't there!  I told her it was because she was such a big girl, and we walked into the outdoor "practical area" where the children were sitting down at a table playing with a variety of balls, beads, bits, and bobs. 
Meer sat down at the table beside Elizabeth - who immediately confiscated Meer's beads!  Meer took it quite well, and happily accepted a replacement set of prickly colored balls.  A teacher came over and stood behind them - helping both of them with their hand-eye coordination, etc.  I took the opportunity to take Josaphine and tour her around the place.  She was impressed with all the different rooms, and variety of activities, etc.
ANYWAY - Josaphine waited in a nearby room in case Meer needed a translator, or help of any kind, and I... left!  It was even MORE weird than yesterday.  I did a quick shop at Nakumatt, and then went to Gigiri house to wait.  I timed it - and it was about a 60 second to drive back to the school in case Meer wanted me...  I waited.  Then I waited.  Time actually went backwards.  It was for EVER!  Josaphine called me at snack time to tell me that Meer was having a great time, and saying that he was "happy" when he was asked!  So that was great.  I waited for another phone call, but never got one.  IMAGINE - he didn't even want his mother.  Sigh.
I waited the full 4 hours, and went back at 12:30 to collect him.  Some of the other parents were there picking up their kids, and Meer was so sleepy he was almost falling over!!  NOT joking.  Apparently Elizabeth had been taking him by the hand, and running around with him outside - going down the slide, playing around - having a GREAT time!  So no wonder he didn't miss me!
AND - I even made a trip to the gym at Village to get a YOGA SCHEDULE!!!  NOT JOKING.  Basically they have 2 classes a week that fit in perfectly with Meer's new schedule - 9:00 - 10:30.  So that sure will be lovely!  It has been YEARS since I have exercised... I can "feel the burn" already!
Anyway - that is about all I can think of just now.
Love and light...

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