Friday, April 25, 2008

Meer's Third Day of School

Meer woke up for his third day of school with BAGS under his eyes!  I asked him if wanted to go to school, and he said, "Home?"!!  We got ready for school anyway, but by the time we got to the car, it was apparent that his mood wasn't in the excellent category!  So we bailed and played hookie instead!  Poor guy was so excited by it all he hadn't been sleeping nicely in his naps OR during the night – tossing and turning violently with words like "FAST! Fast! Fast… fast… fa…" and "FLOWER!" (his word for drawing – drawing flowers).  He fell asleep by 10am that morning, too!

 So today was his third day – he went with Josaphine – and participated in all the lessons right up until STORY TIME – which he flatly said was "NOT NICE", and refused to stay in the room with the other kids!! Ha ha ha!  Josaphine called me, and I came to pick him up about 20 minutes early.  But he hung in there with the other kids for over three hours!

 He also came home with his FIRST ART PROJECT EVER – a necklace made of string, straws, and paper squares.  SO cute!  And… he refused to go to sleep when he came home!  Stayed awake the entire afternoon – playing – running around – like it what he did everyday!  Little booger.  Until of course 5:30 rolled around – he crashed hard and was sleeping by 5:35!  Woops.  Just hoping he sleeps straight through…

 ANYWAY – that is the big news.  Think we might try going to school Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday off, then back for Thursday and Friday.  I guess we will have to see how it goes!

 Well – off to rest while the resting is good!

Love and light…

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