Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Meer's First Day of School

Well - HOW EXCITING! Meer has a fantastic first day at school! He was a bit shy - didn't want to play in the same room as the rest of the kids. But was totally happy hanging out without Kasimbi and I for about 2 hours straight! Then he wanted Kasimbi - I think mostly because he was hungry. After a snack, he was fine going around with the teachers.

Tomorrow they asked me to just drop him off - Kasimbi and I both not stay with him. I basically said NO, and suggested that Josaphine stay with him instead. I mean - my version of school for Meer at this stage in his life (he turns two at the end of June), is purely enjoyment. And any sort of seperation anxiety is absolutely unacceptable at this stage in his development!

The rest of the kids are super cute and great - only 11 students total, so it is a nice small group. There are a few charmers - sweet little talkative girls, and couple boys that don't want to really speak, but want to stand very close to me! Sweet little hunnies.

I scooted off for a bit this morning - sans Meer. It was SO freaky! I can't even say that I liked it. I felt all weird and guilty - like I was a bad mom, or something! Well - not really, but it was weird. I found myself speedwalking through Nakumatt so I could get back "just incase" he needed me... which he didn't!

The rest of the kids are between the ages of 3 and 6. So Meer is the definately the youngest. His attention span is short as well... about 5 minutes, and then he wants to see something new. Having about 10 different rooms with new stuff in them doesn't help! Apparently one of the other young girls did the same thing for the first month that she was there - just going around from room to room exploring. After the month, she began to follow the group and participate with the rest of the kids.

Meer is enrolled in the morning class - 8:30 - 12:30, Monday to Friday. We are going again tomorrow morning - with Josaphine in tow! Let's see if he keeps on enjoying it as much as he did today!

And WHAT am I going to do with my TIME?? I will have practically FIFTEEN HOURS A WEEK all by myself... IMAGINE! Weird...

Well - I am TRYING to upload a photo or two for you, but my connection is too slow... sigh... HEY! Maybe I will take my laptop and go and sit at Java House for a few hours tomorrow morning! They have free wireless internet - and it is faster, and really close to Meer's school! Yet another brain wave hits me!

Love and light...

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