Friday, January 18, 2008

Dubai Update

Yes - we are still alive and breathing!  Seems a day or two after Meer's recoverty from the flu, I we both got a pretty rough cold!  Luckily Meer's only lasted a day or so, but as for me - I am still honking the snauze and fillling up tissues like a trucker!  Imagine.  A few days were pretty bad... aches and pains, but now we seem to be almost better!  And really - there are worse things than filling up tissues to the brim! ha ha ha!!
Anyway - Meer is being a real champion.  He is at a really sweet stage of almost being able to ask for what he wants - well - he CAN, but sometimes he needs to be reminded to use his words instead of "that"! 
He fell really badly a couple days ago - went to "climb up" a cheap metal stool, but obviously it came tumbling down ontop of him - fell back on the tile floor lke a plank, basically - with a stool chaser!  Got a big goose egg on the back of his head, and then a doozy on the front of his head!  YES - he continued to make the most of his hard skull for the rest of the day - bashed his temple ont he cupboard door, and then dinged himself again on soemthing else.  All in all - by the time the next day rolled around - he was headbutting shelves for FUN, basically! ha ha ha!  Poor little guy.  STILL has a big green and purple bruise cover about half of his forehead!
So ya.  Thomas is the new thing.  The satelite tv was out one day (during heavy rains - and yes - we are in the DESERT!!) we watched Thomas dvd's as a family... Kush was like, "It's like a SOAP OPERA!!!" Go figure.  And considering Meer has just about everything from his favorite toy store (great staff, and a demo of everything for the kids to play with in the store!!), we are now collecting him the Thomas train stuff!  And to be serious - it is quite pricey - it adds up in a hurry.  So instead of getting something he might get bored of, we get him a piece or two of Thomas the Train.
ANYWAY - it is late already, so I am going to be lame and hop into bed!
More as it happens... or shortly there after! ha ha ha!

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