Sunday, February 01, 2009

Weekend Update

I cannot believe it has only been 4 days since my driver collected the application form. It feels like a WEEK! We have the all the identification copies, and the medical reports filled out. Now it is just a matter of getting the criminal check done – which we can do tomorrow morning. It’s safe to say it has been the longest weekend I have in memory!!

I have all these attractive color coded files going on – for incomplete forms, complete forms, original documents, and things to add to the baby’s “adoption scrapbook”. I started a scrapbook back in 2007 during our first time applying. Kept a copy of everything required, and stuck it all in a nice locally made scrapbook. This time around I am putting most everything in attractively labeled envelops, and sticking the envelops in the scrap book – takes up less room, and I am not sure how much documentation will be given to use during the entire adoption process. Ideally I want everything in the one scrapbook – from the time we started in 2007, up until the child is legally a member of our family. After that I can start on the “Life Book” – or even as soon as the child is living with us.

Have you noticed I have an issue calling the child a HER? I don’t know what it is. I think I ma leaving it open a bit – incase a baby boy chooses us instead! I mean – until you are in the room looking around – who knows what will happen. Right??

Anyway – back to the Life Book idea. I know I posted some fabulous stuff about it in 2007, so no doubt should go back through the blog and brush up on it again. Make sure I am collecting all the right stuff and information for it.

Well – that is about it for me. Scrapbooking to my hearts content, and ANXIOUS to get the criminal record check thing done. The sooner we do it, the sooner it is back. And the sooner it is back… well – the sooner we can really get MOVING with the adoption. Can’t be soon enough, if you ask me!

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