Friday, February 20, 2009

Waiting for the Home Visit

Less than 4 days until the home visit. Not that is matters one bit how “organized” our home is, considering asking if we having flush toilets is the main question on the application!! But regardless, I’m all in a fluff to have it actually functional, and livable, and COMPLETED, before Caroline gets here… at 10:00 Tuesday morning!!

For the past 2 weeks I have actually completely removed and replaced EVERYTHING – with thorough cleaning done in between. Every room in the house now has a purpose that suits our lifestyle (good bye formal dining room), and works for our family. What a freaking CHORE!! I’m at a stage now where the once cleaned and organized garage (I started in there) is now the current dumping ground for boxed that I have low-to-no motivation to unpack… my only concern is how to stack them higher! Ha ha ha!! Yeah. Not joking.

In a perfect world I would have about 2 more bookcases for my books, and a SERIOUS wallunit or “hutch” for my sewing and craft supplies. But until then, the house is pretty much in working order, and even… dare I say… looking pretty good!!

Yesterday I made fresh curtains for the Toy Room – a cute little blue, yellow and red print on a white background. It has made the room super fresh! Today I emptied the “wine cabinet” and converted it into a much needed book case in the new office (was the dining room). Now I am dealing with the last bits of… crap… that seem to be cluttering up the surfaces – particularly in the kitchen! I’m inclined to get a few more empty boxes and just start filling them up and stacking them in the garage!! How horrible of me is that??? Well… I just might do it…

Ok. Off to find the boxes!! ;-)

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