Friday, February 06, 2009


We handed in our application yesterday, and got a phone call from our new social worker – Caroline – today! Our joint interview is set for Wednesday morning at 9:00!!! Yee haw!! I’m SO thrilled. So that is all good news.

I have been working on the framework of a lifebook… making chapters for the various topics, and then questions that we need to find answers for as our journey progresses. I’ve changed it like 6 times!! I think it is pretty good now – NOT the version I have posted below. I have added a few more chapters (25 in total), and changed the wording to “Your Birth Day”, “Your Birth Parents”, etc. I have a page with questions on it for each topic, which I will keep with us during the entire adoption process – to write down answers, facts, full names, quotes, etc.

I lucked out and found some quite lovely locally produced cardstock to make the actual lifebooks from, and it comes in a variety of colors. I have used the chapter headings to arrange the blank pages in a binder with pager protector sleeves… the idea being I will have a place ready to assemble the lifebook as the story unfolds, with the flexibility to add and remove pages.

Anyway – That is about as far as I have gotten so far.

Oh! And now the LANS Committee meets twice a month to decide over the adoption applications, so we might not have to wait as long to get approved as we did before!! Adoption rates have doubled in Kenya over the past year (fabulous!!), and now about 12 children are adopted through our agency (Little Angels Network) every month. So that is great news, although still quite a small number compared to the vast number of orphans.

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