Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Yes - yes.  We actually ARE alive!!! 
We have been back in Nairobi for the past couple weeks - what a treat!  I mean - I love Dubai, but there is something so great about being back in your own house... ya know?  Speaking of which, we are leaving for Dubai again this week!  Just trying to find suitable accomodation, etc.  The good thing about being there for so long, is we have a big long list of suitable places - nice spots that offer 2 bedroom apartment type rooms.  Thing is - it's booked for the holidays!~ The best I could find still leaves us kicked out for the four days around New Years...
Anyway - that is that.
Adoption is still on the stove - just shoved onto a back burner until Kush is finished with his work in Dubai.  Hopefully in the early part of the New Year! 
So ya... that is the story.  On a GOOD note - I will be dragging my laptop with me this time - so I will still be in touch!
MUCH love and holiday cheer...

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Nice to hear from you Christa...wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
We are hoping to hear something soon..maybe January??