Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Hhalloween

HEY Everybody!

SORRY for being MIA for so long - we have been in  Dubai  for the past month or so - time reeally flies!

Kush has a bunch of work here, so Meer and I have been  hanging out... toy stores, book stores with  children's reading areas, glass elevators, escalators -  those are the hot spots.  We even have a toy store with a bubble machine - so we go and play in the bubbles once or twice a day at  least!

We have even managed to meet some fellow Canadians here!  Mostly (ok - ALL) from the East Coast!!  One lady works for a company  that iis building a hospital here  for travel  tourism, and another lady is a fabulous real estate chic!  Anyway...

This morning we were playing around the business center of the hotel - it's a fancy marble aand  glass type deal, with  seating  on one side, and a suspended walkway through the center - tres chic, really.  Anyway -  Meer went running  over to his spot -  the wall  of windows with drapes behind the sofas - he  loves  to shake the snott out of the drapery  cords! 

Anyway - sitting alone on one of the sofas was this Arab woman -  covered head to toe in black.  Even her face was covered with a black  scarf.  I smiled as I ran past with Meer, and she moved a bit --  so  I  figured that was friendly!!  The she pulled the scarf up  over her head and started cooing at Meer!  Obviously she  was a grandma - she was making all these lovely soft clucking noises etc!  Anyway -  she was wearing this very  interesting thing - as I  have never seen underneath a woman's head scarf before - (forgive my ignorance please!!) - it was this beautiful golden object that coverd her mouth,  so  that when she spoke nobody  could see her lips... it is SOO  hard to explain!!!!  It also had a thin band of gold across her  forehead too.  I wish I could  explain  it better!  I told Kush about it, and he was like,  "Oh -  she's LOADED."'  (meaning  really really rich).  I  dunno!  Anyway - Meer ran off after his dad, and then  I  carried  him  back  to  say  bye too her.  I wish I spoke Arabic!!  I  don't  know what she was saying,  and it sucked.  I am  pretty  sure Salam means Hi or bye -  same as hebrew... that's what it sounded like, anyway.  So  there is a little snippet of a day-in-the-life...  you know when you are in the Middle East when... huh?? ha ha ha!!

Anyway... we are here for another week or two,  I think.

Missing you all...


Tracey said...

nice to hear from you Christa..I figured you were away..Enjoy the rest of your trip..our dossier just left this past Friday to Victoria then on to Ottawa then Kenya. Being the first ones means this is a learning process for everyone which of course = delays!!
Big hugs to you,

Anonymous said...

Hey Christa - we've been trying to call you guys and unable to get through for the past month. I guess I should have checked the blog. Happy/safe travels to you guys and we look forward to hearing from you upon your return to Kenya.
The Falks

Anonymous said...

Hi Christa!! Where are you now??
We missing you!!
Maria, Marco and Giovanni