Friday, January 30, 2009

Paperwork Update

In the past year, the documentation required to adopt within Kenya has been slightly changed… we now have to supply a “Certificate of Good Conduct”, which is basically a criminal check done on both adoptive parents. Good idea, and everything, but adds a week onto the time it will take us to apply to adopt. :-(

I wanted to have all our paperwork handed in today, but with the new requirements, I am now aiming to drop everything off next Friday... February the 6th. Let's see!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back on Track

Greetings, everyone!! So - I know. 2009. Life has a way of blurring by, until something triggers a change in our paths... Anyway - good news! We are back on track for adopting a Kenyan baby!!! yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our paperwork and approval has all expired, so we are starting the process all over again... today! My driver is picking up the paperwork just now, and I am hoping that tomorrow he can scoot around to get the various forms filled out and signed. Then we begin the interview process - one joint interview, and then individual ones. And a councelling session as well - always fun! ;-D

Anyway - one step at a time. The good thing is we have been through all this before, so it's not as daunting as it was the first time around. Phew!

Fingers crossed we can get aproved quickly... Last time I think it took about a month - the panel only has one meeting per month, so it's luck of the draw when it comes to how long you have to wait for it. Anyway - SO excited!!